Saturday, June 25, 2011

Go Skate Day 2011

This year for Go Skate Day, Coalition threw a Lord of the Lines contest at Slo park in Memory of last years winner Oscar Gonzalez.

Pablo on the mic doing his best Tim O'Connor impression. Pablo was keeping the crowd entertained.

The esteemed panel of judges
Daniel Parks, Nate Hoover, Josh Regalado and Ty Hjortland.

Will Ramsey wasn't the first to go, but he was the first one I shot photos of so I'm gonna go with it.
Fs Nosegrind

Sticky Blunt Fingaz Smith

Backside Nosegrind

Pablo informed everybody that Connor Anthony was voted "Best legs on the Central Coast". I'll let you decide that one.

Rock n' Roll

Fs Disaster to Smith

Fs Sweeper

Green Room?

Ah the classic days of taping your shoes

Purple tape did the trick

Justice with a Five-O

For some reason the place was filled with bugs and seagulls.

Carey Lynch lives in the land of few skaters in Los Osos. It was good to see him come out to the contest.
Wallie to 180 in.

Krook up the ramp

I always thought Cougar was in his twenties. I was shocked to hear his real age.
Blunt to Backside Tail Revert

Dylan Strasell is one of two actual skaters in Morro Bay. He made me proud with taking the Neal Blender approach and making his runs look fun.
Bs Booger slide

Frontside Board

Hanging on to a Krook

Midway through the contest I took a peek at the Judges Scores. Daniel Parks went with a logical point system

Nate on the other hand went with random phrases.

John Lucas made it out before having to return to work.
Switch Backside Grind

Cougar apparently didn't know that a Yeti can fly.
Fs Stalefish

Then there was General Steezy.

Nobody knew where he came from but Pablo loaned him his board.

The general drops the bomb.

The General had big dreams of being part of Remption until he slipped out and...

There goes Pablo's board

Moon Boots?

This somehow...

Turned into this

Kevin Bennet with an awesome one foot. It's always good to see a young guy kick off the front foot.

Alex Knight
Fs Smith

Bs Five-O

Bs 360

Kayl Johnson with a Krook.

Anonymous kickflip

Pablo was offering Daniel five bucks for a Bs Heelflip off the kicker. Did Pablo ever pay you?

Aldo Bs Five-O

The judges think over who will make it to the final five of the next round.

Dylan Strasell

Alex Knight

John Lucas

Carey Lynch

and Cougar

Carey starts off with a fs lipslide up.

Ollie to Wallride

Dylan graduates from Booger to Blunt.

Nosestall Yank in

Alex, Fs Five-0 180

Cougar with a 180 over the pyramid top

Yeti, Switch bs tail

Nollie Noseblunt

Yeti almost pulled a fatty to flatty, but barely clipped at the end.

It was now time to announce the winners

Pablo killing it with his best stand up routine

Alex gets the bronze

Dylan with the silver

Yeti wins the gold

The Jazz Push top 5
1. Pablo - Did I mention he was killing it on the mic?
2. Yeti - Probably hasn't entered a contest in 5 years.
3. Cougar - Skates like a man for only being...
4. Kayl Johnson - Proper all day
5. General Steezy - Until he wore out his welcome.

"These prizes seriously take a shit on what Monster gives out."

After the ceremony was the Oscar Gonzalez Double Flip Contest.

Daniel goes for one

Then Carey

Then Josh

Kayl ended up the first one to land it.

Making everybody happy

Thanks to Eli, Coalition and everybody who was there for the awesome contest. I was weary about doing it at Slo Park this year but it ended up being a good time.

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