Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Romaine Lettuce

Roman Mafi - Lien Tailslide

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Dredge the Lethe

I recently stumbled upon some older skate photos spanning from 2006-2010. Good times.

Barton Boris Bodrian - Ollie

 Hanging with Paul Pearson and Michael Mull. Winter 2006?

Socks up.

Pearsonator was always fun to skate with.

Michael Mull and myself.

Empty Pool in Atascadero 2006ish. 


Baby's first light.

Made it!

Barton Boris at Baywood.

Barton - Ollie

Morro Bay Ditch.

Cayucos Wallride

Yeti - Frontside flip disaster. Dan did you shoot this?

Kickflip backside tailslide shove it. Yeti apparently had to do this in a line so he could "keep up with the kids". I'm pretty sure he was 23 here.

Backside flip in a Super Mario 3 beanie and a Newsense tee.

Backside flip at Spencer's in 2010. I thought this spot was rough then. If only I knew then what was to come.

The weird pants phase and the only tailblock I've ever done.

Save the dolphins!

Pole Jam

Fs rock, when the trainstation quarterpipe was fresh.