Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Yeti Spotted

The Yeti captured on film! iphonage by Shane Marriott.

Monday, May 20, 2019


This is from an article by John Branch of the New York Times regarding the Golden State Warriors moving away from Oakland...

Even sports-writers get it.


Monday, May 13, 2019

Tommy Guerrero Powell Skate Zone 1991

This is from the pro contest that took place in early '91 at the Powell Peralta Skate Zone in Santa Barbara. I was living in the area at the time and skating there a few times a week. It was definitely rad to watch these guys come in and shred. They really showed what the possibilities were at this place... even though what they were doing was still impossible! Here's some footage of Tommy Guerrero ruling. All of his runs were fast and clean and stylish. I remember at one point he blasted an ollie backside grab over the entire pyramid to flat. It seemed as if he had just launched an air over half the skatepark. unReal.  -  DP

We have some DVD's available of the "Showdown at Skate Zone" 1991 contest. Shoot us a message or hit us up in instagram land at @unearthedskateboarding.