Saturday, May 30, 2015

Jazztato - Ty Hjortland

Ty rips. Just watch the vid.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Jazztato Montage

Andy Littlefield
Berkeley Anderson
Blair Ridings
Jamey Algert
Nate Hoover
Cody Ages
Tristan Mcginness
Derek Wampler
Matt Rod
Brendan Leddy
Josh Babb
Max Reisbord

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Jazztato - James Fuchs

I don't think there are many people in this world more awesome than James. It's always refreshing to see such a positive person to balance out the trash talking skating offers. This part is testament to James and how infectiously fun his skating looks. Instead of hating on a spot or session, be more like James and just enjoy all the positives of skateboarding. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Jazztato - Eli Stein and Pablo

It took about six different edits, but it was worth it. I'm stoked that our very own "Jerry and Louie" combo came through with such a feel good part. If you ever see that guitar guy in Morro Bay, ask him to play some "Texas blues" for you. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Jazztato - John Lucas

The Yeti has been putting out local parts for over ten years now but I still don't think he ever got his due. In true Yeti form he's hardly ever seen but if you're lucky enough to find him, it's always a memorable moment. John's been claiming he's done filming for the last couple parts now, but I know deep down, he'll never call it quits.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Variety Show

More leftovers than a Thanksgiving dinner...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Jazztato - Curbs

This was one of the funnest parts to film. It's almost impossible to describe the satisfaction of digging into a proper slappy grind. This section is dedicated to who I consider the three best slappiers ever; Jason Adams, John Lucero and Danny Sargent. Serious inspiration!!!