Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of Year Blow Out 2011 pt 4

For the final post of the year we enter a session between Mikey Weber and a very long rail

This thing...

Mikey looking at what he got himself into

Cooper on car cam

Bumpy landing

The other guys went over the rail.
Jess Bustos - Ollie

B Lace - frontside 180

All good skaters have a good wax man.

Mikey got all the way to the end on this but I shot the photo way too early.

After that one try the antics broke out.

This photo tells it all.

 Wax man's gotta stay hydrated.

The B Lace pro model droppin in 2012

Will Ramsey gives em a shot.

Feelin it

A gymnastics and stretching session was about to go down until Will kindly reminded everyone that "Women do gymnastics, men do parkour" which is fact right?

With all of the distractions Mikey is still trying.


The Eagle

 Sasquatch crap.

Mikey took a brutal slam to the ribs ending the session.

Smoke Break.

Jazzpush will be back with its regularly scheduled programming in 2012.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

End of Year Blow Out 2011 pt 3

More photos from this year

Jess Bustos going where many have gone before

 Backside 180

 B Lace gets Beefy

B Lace again with a heelflip

John Lucas - Noseslide

Will Ramsey and his new ride

 For the Macho Man

Macho Pose

 Scurvy Pirate - Back Crailish

Krook Tap Lucas

a backside flip 
Shot by Jade
B Lace Back Tail

A quick story about Billy Perry and an insane gap

Billy Perry wanted to ollie over this and down the steps

Luckily B Lace was on lifeguard duty


Found this at the landing

Found this at the run up

B Lace got him moving along

This was an ugly bail. Billy Perry was somehow fine at the bottom. Unfortunately we were kicked out right after this.

 Barton's first boardslide.

Art Crap and call it.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

End of Year Blow Out 2011 pt 2

danny method
One D Parks - Early Grab Method

Boardslide to Fakie

Nate Hoover - Lipslide

The greatest flat ground trick in the world!

nate parkour
Nate was so happy that he was bouncing off the walls.

anton tre flip
Anton - 360 flip.
This counts as a make right?

Another view of Cory Jones bluntslide

Ask Billy Perry to ollie a gap because you messed up the shot and he will do it.

 Smith attempt

 Vito - Front board to knee bash

Billy goes for the front board

Billy Lacey - Tree Ride