Almost a year ago, we ventured out to the train tracks in Slo to find this spot. This was supposed to be our first real post but things didn't work out. Well here is what we got.

Izaiah unfortunatley was the only one we shot a photo of who actually worked on the spot.
Frontside Nosegrind

John Lucas - 180 nosegrind

Backside Nosegrind

Backside Five-O

Backside Smith

Backside Tailslide

Day 2

Alec Holiday - Krook

Frontside Noseblunt

Apparently the Fire Station gave word to the Union Pacific cops about the spot. The cop already had a sledgehammer ready.

One of the cops actually looked at the ledge and said it looked nicer than anything at Slo park. Way to go guys.

We took the coping and now it's at a new spot.

Thanks to Tim, Bill, Mikey, Tosh and everyone else who helped out at the spot.
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