Sunday, October 24, 2010

Newsense: Damage Inc. Part 1

Newsense was a local skate company/crew from Los Osos created by Kris and Kory Kroll. They made boards, shirts, stickers and skate videos. It's not like these videos are from the 80's or anything, but it seems impossible to find any kind of documentation of skatboarding in this area that's from the pre youtube generation. Luckily, I had a copy of this video laying around and finally got it uploaded. Part 1 includes the Infamous Ki Crumpton Slo High boardslide as well as some classic old Los Osos park footage.

Kriss Kroll
Kory Kroll
Ki Crumpton
Cody Ages
Mike Salmon
Bobby Francis
Pat Donnely
and More

Edited by Kory Kroll around 2002.


  1. I love this video. I still have my copy (labeled with masking tape and marker of course), and I remember this was one of the videos that got me most stoked to go out and skate.

  2. Yeah it's a really good video. The hard part for me now is finding a copy of the first Newsense video!


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