Tuesday, May 29, 2012

#100 Face the Music

I have no real idea how this has lasted so long but i'm happy it has.

Big Shots
Guy Mariano skates a spine during a later Cal Poly Thrash-a-thon. Photo thanks to Chrome Ball Incident.

Another view of David Gravette's krooked grind. I remember skating there as a kid and wondering if that was possible. Well it is.

Before the beard and the TV show Jeff King was riding for Invisible. Watch this part and look out for multiple Slo spots that still are not really skated. After do some research on the Caught Clean videos. Cult classics for sure.

The Gonz
The greatest skater ever. The clips before Gonz makes history at Wallenberg, are at Cal Poly. Even 22 years later, that rail at Poly seems insane.

Hokus Pokus
The first 30 seconds of this part has Colby Carter skating Poly as well. Keep watching though because you need to know about Brian Lotti. The H-Street guys hit Poly up in this part as well as this.

Back to Reality

Barton Boris Bodrian - Ollie
He might have bailed on me but Bart was a vital part of the beginning of this. He was the one who sparked the idea and after a specific session and a good story, Jazzpush started.

Michael Mull plug just because. Original Mayor of Meadow.
Your zine and video is on its way.

John Lucas - Noseblunt
John Lucas always rips. Take him to the best spots or the crustiest banks and he is excited to skate it.

Daniel Parks - Blunt fakie
Gotta end it with one of my favorite skaters at my all time favorite spot. With Daniel's help expect an Unearthed Summer zine and a full length Jazzpush video in July.

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