Saturday, August 30, 2014


This double set is literally across the street from my house and I've always dreamed of skating it but knew that I would never be able to touch it. It's super gnarly and tall enough to sack Shaqille O'Neal! Luckily I can skate vicariously through my skate-puppet, Baby D. I point - he does. It's a pretty good thing we got goin on over here.

Daniel Curiel- Front Grind

Daniel Curiel- Front Smith

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Welcome to the Big League!

Daniel Curiel (aka Baby D aka Young Yeti aka Tatertot) embarked on a new journey this week. Our little boy is growing up; he's flown the coup and gone off to college. In true Long Beach fashion, I brought him to the highest ledge known to man and he wasted not time gettin buck. It's so cool to see a ripper from a small town skate in a real skate city. He was genuinely "spot-struck" - he couldn't get over the fact that he was skating the same ledge that pros skated. Well, he joined the premier league with a back smith that was damn near nipple high on the lad. Well done my friend, and welcome to Long Beach. You're gonna fit in just fine.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Last Hurah

Had an awesome day skating with Daniel Curiel before he moves to Long Beach. Take care bud. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Just another curb post. Losi Grind shot by Daniel Parks.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Blaster Master

You can carcass huck all you want but Stephen has you beat. Sometimes the basics are so good!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Child's Play

Evan Smith better watch his back!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Too Gnar

It's always humbling to see the big boiz skate local spots. If you think you've ever done anything gnarly at the Morro Bay ditch, it was probably just child's play compared to this beaut.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August JAZZPICK drumroll please...

 This is my first post on jazzpush, so I hope you will like it; it was a enjoyably tedious thing to choose one video part that gets me hyped to skate for this month's 'jazzpick'. The song, the skating, the editing, the spots, the tricks, and the skater for this part are perfect. This whole video was incredible; and yeah, you have all see it, and no, it was not underground, but it is poignant and paints a picture of skating at that time. It was a time when I was really keeping up with skating and Stevie was inspiring me. Honorable mention: Any Jon Allie, Brian Wenning, or Ryan Smith part, Johnny Layton "Good and Evil", and Brian Hansen "Slaughterhouse".

-Love, the yeti. Whew.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014


The first week I got home for summer I took a pretty nasty fall. One dislocated shoulder and six weeks later, I'm still wallowing in my sorrow and won't be able to skate for another month. However, that hasn't slowed the other Potatwerps. They're going harder than ever. As kids, we all looked at this spot and wished we had the cajones to actually do something on it. Twenty-some-odd years later, Ben used his big boy legs to pop this boardslide and land on some crusty ground. Be on the look out for Potatwo... coming later than sooner.