Izaiah unfortunatley was the only one we shot a photo of who actually worked on the spot.
Frontside Nosegrind
The final part of Damage Inc. is now up. I used a live track of "Bonzo Goes to Bitsburg" by The Ramones because Youtube didn't let me use the studio version. There are two other Newsense videos left, lets hope I can get a hold of them from somebody and put them up!
Okay, now that the elections are over, we can go back to our regularly scheduled programing. Part 2 of Damage Inc. Features Some old Los Osos park footage, as well as the Wood Morro Bay Park. You can even catch some CL Smith tricks in there too. I don't see many people doing noseslide 360 shove-its on the whole CL ledge. How about full cab back lip on a box? Half cab bluntslides anybody?
Thanks to everyone who voted in the Thrasher contest. As some of you probably know Blue Man is indeed this fellow.
Newsense was a local skate company/crew from Los Osos created by Kris and Kory Kroll. They made boards, shirts, stickers and skate videos. It's not like these videos are from the 80's or anything, but it seems impossible to find any kind of documentation of skatboarding in this area that's from the pre youtube generation. Luckily, I had a copy of this video laying around and finally got it uploaded. Part 1 includes the Infamous Ki Crumpton Slo High boardslide as well as some classic old Los Osos park footage.
Kriss Kroll
Kory Kroll
Ki Crumpton
Cody Ages
Mike Salmon
Bobby Francis
Pat Donnely
and More
Edited by Kory Kroll around 2002.